When you first turn seventeen, you will naturally be full of excitement at the prospect of earning your driving license – this is, after all, a major milestone in your life. However, there are numerous obstacles that you need to navigate first, with the DVLA Theory Test certainly being amongst the hardest of these. Rather than head into this without the proper knowledge. BSL Theory Test believes that you should first gain an insight into what you can expect – on the day of your examination, this could prove to be the difference between success and failure.
What Does It Consist Of?
Before going into any further detail, we think that now is the best time to provide you with a quick overview regarding the current iteration of the DVLA Theory Test. As you likely already know, this is an examination which is designed to test your knowledge of the road – not only will this cover your understanding of your car, but also the safer practices that you will need to employ whilst driving. In case you weren’t aware, the exam is split into two distinct sections; whilst the first part focuses on multiple choice questions, the other is a visual test regarding your hazard perception capabilities.
Multiple Choice
The bulk of the DVLA Theory Test is taken up by the multiple choice questions – these are on a wide-variety of driving-related topics. With a total of fifty questions, which come from a pool of around seven hundred, you will need to undertake a significant amount of revision to be able to feel well-prepared for this. Theory test revision questions can be found on numerous smart-phone applications, as well as online, meaning that there is no excuse for being underprepared.
Hazard Perception
For many aspiring drivers, this is the section which routinely causes complications – this is mainly because people fail to appreciate the level of preparation that needs to be done. Hazard perception, as the name suggests, is meant to analyse your ability at spotting what is considered to be a ‘developing hazard’. This could include such incidents as a child stepping into the road, as well as a bus abruptly pulling out. You will need to click once per clip, and there are fourteen clips presented to you.
Finer Details
In terms of the passing grades that you need for both sections, there is not much in the way of leniency. In the multiple choice section, you need a total of forty three marks, and in the hazard perception you require forty four; these are out of fifty and seventy five respectively. However, if you spend the necessary time revising beforehand, there is no reason that you cannot navigate this stage of your learning process with relative ease. For those of you that are determined to start driving as quickly as possible, dedicate the time early on to get to grips with each section.
Explaining Our Options
If you are someone that has recently booked their DVLA Theory Test, and is subsequently looking for new and innovative ways in which to get yourself ready for the exam that lies ahead, you might be interested in enlisting the help of BSL Theory Test. Although we are relatively new to this field, the innovative methods that we employ have proven themselves to be incredibly effective for aspiring drivers. The software which we have developed is easy to use, and should have you passing your theory test in no time. Why not write us a message today at support@bsltheorytest.co.uk, and find out a little more about the fantastic services that we can offer you?